HRM Solutions Személyzeti Tanácsadó Bt. Switching on to the original version
For companies
The support of the performance management process electronically.

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For managers
We find the missing link in your team you can rely on.

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For employees
We know how difficult it is to find an appropriate workplace. We can help you to make it more simple and faster.

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Personnel Solutions


Organisational Development

Within every organisation there is both a formal and an informal network in operation. These two structures combine to determine and influence, among others, the effectiveness of a company, the relationship which employees establish towards each other, the fluctuation, the efficiency of internal and external processes, and the flow of information between teams, departments, managers and associates.
If your organisation is faced with similar problems and difficulties, we provide for you assistance so that an organisational screening should enable you to find a solution which is both quick and allows a measurement of effectiveness. For further details please call and contact us.


(C) Copyright HRM Solutions Bt. - 2024


HRM Solutions Személyzeti Tanácsadó Bt. ● H-1171 Budapest, Szabadság sugárút 60.
Phone: +36 30 825 5895 | E-mail:

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