HRM Solutions Személyzeti Tanácsadó Bt. Switching on to the original version
For companies
The support of the performance management process electronically.

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For managers
We find the missing link in your team you can rely on.

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For employees
We know how difficult it is to find an appropriate workplace. We can help you to make it more simple and faster.

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Personnel Solutions


Personal Coaching

Which is more important? The attainment of success, or the road to succes, i.e. they way success is realized?
We are firmly convinced that the coach’s primary task lies in finding the road and the means necessary to achieve success in close co-operation with his or her client. Is this to be carried out through listening that involves full understanding, or through questions, or by means of individually tailored tasks, or with the aid of directed ideas? It all depends on the particular personality in question. It is, however, of great importance that when arising from beside the table, both of us should consider the hours that have passed as having been conducive to creating something good, something that has yielded benefits.


(C) Copyright HRM Solutions Bt. - 2024


HRM Solutions Személyzeti Tanácsadó Bt. ● H-1171 Budapest, Szabadság sugárút 60.
Phone: +36 30 825 5895 | E-mail:

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